We all dream of having a healthy lifestyle, which in addition to being reflected in our body weight, is also reflected in our body. Many of us are terrified of visiting and undergoing tests or medical studies, for fear and shame of hearing that we have high blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol or worse, hearing the word overweight. All these negative elements are products of the same variable, a poor diet. Convenient, leading a lifestyle characterized by a poor diet, has a solution. First of all, we must reflect and make the decision to accept the commitment to improve our health and take care of our body. Secondly, and very easily, we only need to include fiber in our diet, one of the great allies to counteract the negative effects of a poor diet.
Vegetable fiber, also known as food or dietary fiber, can be found in vegetables, grains and fruits. Foods that provide our diet with few calories and, in turn, greater satiety. Which is ideal when you want to lose weight in a healthy way, without starving yourself. On the other hand, it is important to mention that vegetable fiber specifically includes the part of fruits, grains and vegetables, which the body cannot absorb or digest, so it passes quickly through our digestive system. Giving our body the ability to prevent and combat constipation, this being the most popular benefit in the field of health. But if we evaluate our needs and include in our diet the type of fiber that we require according to its classification, without a doubt, the positive results on our health would be incredible.
Fiber is classified into two types, soluble and insoluble. The soluble is characterized by dissolving in water and forming a gelatinous material, which benefits our body by helping us prevent cardiovascular diseases, reducing cholesterol. In addition to collaborating in the reduction of blood sugar levels, helping us to control or prevent diabetes. We can obtain this type of fiber by consuming apples, carrots and oats, among others. While if we want to increase fiber consumption to combat constipation problems, improve our digestive health, reduce the risk of colon rectal cancer or any other stomach or intestinal disease. It is recommended to consume the insoluble type fiber, the fiber that does not dissolve in water. This type of fiber initiates and facilitates the movement of fecal matter through the digestive system, increasing its volume. The foods that offer us this type of fiber are: whole grains, whole wheat flour, green leafy vegetables, nuts, potatoes, among others.
Extraordinarily, Mother Nature, through a wide variety of foods, offers us the opportunity to have a healthy lifestyle, which in addition to being reflected in our body weight, is also reflected in our body. Without a doubt, fiber is the great ally to maintain or improve our health, providing the opportunity to counteract the negative effects of a poor diet. We should only include in our diet the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and cereals. Fortunately fiber is easily found in vegetables such as lettuce, carrots and spinach. Also in legumes such as potatoes and sweet potatoes; in fruits such as apples, plums, pears and bananas. Without forgetting to include walnuts, almonds, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, quinoa and whole wheat pasta among a wide variety of rich and nutritious foods. But if you are one of the people who does not like to consume these types of foods, but still want to modify your diet to include the fiber, fortunately there are high-quality fiber supplements on the market that will help you achieve it .
It is important to understand that, as with any food, there are contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a health professional to include or increase the consumption of fiber in our diet. If you increase your daily intake, it could cause intestinal inflammation, gas and stomach cramps. While if we choose to increase its consumption gradually, this will help our digestive system adapt more easily, making fiber consumption a pleasant experience with extraordinary benefits for our health.
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Mayo Clinic(2021). Fibra alimentaria: esencial para una alimentación saludable. [Dietary fiber: essential for a healthy diet.] www.mayoclinic.org https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983
Clínica Universidad de los Andes (2020). Los 4 principales beneficios de la fibra. [The 4 main benefits of fiber.] www.clinicauandes.cl https://www.clinicauandes.cl/noticia/los-4-principales-beneficios-de-la-fibra
Bridges, Meagan (Review 2020). Alimentos ricos en fibra. [High fiber foods.] https://midline plus.gov https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/patientinstructions/000193.htm