Category Health

Food Safety, Everyone’s Responsibility 

 Food Security is a concept that emerged in the 70s, with the purpose of explaining the importance of food production and availability at a national and global level, with the hope of making a change and encouraging the participation of…

The Practice Of Yoga And It’s Benefits In Pregnancy 

  The practice of yoga is distinguished by presenting physical postures, meditation and breathing exercises that connect the body with the mind, developing a pleasant state of balance and harmony in our body, as was presented and explained in the previous…

Yoga, Synonym Of Wellness

   When we hear the word yoga, many of us quickly think of meditation and relaxation techniques.  While others only consider it another discipline of exercises mostly practiced by women, due to the type of postures that are performed.  But what really is…

4-Step Guide To A Healthy Pregnancy

   Being pregnant is a great blessing for every woman and at the same time a great responsibility.  Her life and the life of the baby she carries in her womb will depend entirely on her.  Therefore, she must lead a healthy lifestyle…

How To Lose Weight And Body Fat In A Healthy Way

Obesity and overweight are problems that in one way or another affect our health, even complicate our medical conditions.  There are many diets and exercise programs that promise us a loss of weight and body fat in an amazing and fast…