The Tops Foods That Can Help Fight Cellulite 

Cellulite is a common and annoying problem many of us face. It can make us feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, especially when wearing swimsuits or tight clothing. Fortunately, there are some foods that can help fight cellulite. In this blog post,…

Global Warming, We Are The Cause And The Solution 

 Unfortunately our planet earth is changing, now it is distinguished by its high temperatures, extreme climate changes and the increase in the number of meteorological phenomena.  Changes that have drastically affected our habitat and lifestyle, forcibly leading us to an adaptation…

Food Safety, Everyone’s Responsibility 

 Food Security is a concept that emerged in the 70s, with the purpose of explaining the importance of food production and availability at a national and global level, with the hope of making a change and encouraging the participation of…

The Practice Of Yoga And It’s Benefits In Pregnancy 

  The practice of yoga is distinguished by presenting physical postures, meditation and breathing exercises that connect the body with the mind, developing a pleasant state of balance and harmony in our body, as was presented and explained in the previous…